
If you or someone you care about have depressive symptoms that linger no matter what you have tried, there is a non-invasive, non-medication treatment that may help…..TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation).

Benefits of:

  • It is safe

  • Few temporary side effects

  • Effective

  • 70% reduction in symptoms

  • 50% remission of Major depressive disorder

See if TMS is right for you


What is TMS?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a treatment technique that uses a magnetic field to influence brain activity. It can treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other brain-related conditions. It’s noninvasive and can help when other treatment approaches aren’t effective. The side effects are usually mild and temporary.

What happens before TMS treatment? 

Before you undergo TMS, your psychiatric provider will talk with you to make sure you meet the criteria for having TMS or if there are any conditions or circumstances that mean you should not receive it.       


Reasons that you should not receive TMS include:

A history of seizures, epilepsy or other conditions/circumstances that affect your brain.   While it is rare, TMS can cause seizures.  If you have a seizure-related condition or take a medication that increases the risk of seizure, your provider might recommend changing your medications or trying another treatment method altogether.


Any kind of implant that is electronic or contains magnetic metal.    TMS is dangerous for anyone with cochlear implants, metal plates on their skull, etc.     TMS uses a powerful magnet, which can pull on any magnetic metal in such implants. That magnetic pull could cause severe pain or even injuries if it moves an implant.   



If your provider determines that TMS is a good and safe option for you, they will talk with you about the treatment schedule they recommend.  TMS takes multiple treatments- most often five treatments per week, lasting 18 minutes 40 seconds- for a period of up to six to seven weeks for a total of 36 treatments.   

Learn more about NeuroStar

An innovative treatment for depression that you may not know about  (segment from kare 11 and Dr. John Luehr)